Clean Golden/Silver

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BakkesMod Car Code



Clean golden anodized Octane (ZSR in the picture) for the orange car, clean silver for the blue car. Both have Alpha boost because reasons. Golden Tactical Nuke (orange) and TW Phoenix Cannon (blue) as Goal Explosions, Friction as trail in both cases (Gold and TW accordingly) For the Skyline the code is different since I set up the Clean Cut decal to have it, as the name, clean -> Qw2FDnQjYTcRcCEzQIAzjji2k3nCNhMYGPj//x8w0I2I4WmAAGcccWyn8ypi53nqw///PwA= I set up Aught-o and Drude Engine Audio for blue and orange cars respectively.