Replay Review Plugin

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Author: Dizz
First Uploaded: 01/10/2021
Last Updated: 09/21/2021
 Views: 48631
 Downloads: 20952
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Review RL Gameplay


Replay Review

Replay Review aims to help teams review games by making it easy to visualize plays.

Replay Review adds many features

  • Draw play lines
  • Switch between players quickly using number keys (like in spectator mode)
  • View live boost amounts of players
  • Quickly switch the camera to a team's side
  • Crosshair

Easy Switch

Demo Gif


After installation you can use Plugin Manager to load the plugin (F2 then plugins tab).

Once you load a replay, an overlay will display, showing the keys you need to press for features.

  • Use the number keys to switch between player views
  • Press B to show/hide player boost amounts.
  • Start drawing a line using V and stop drawing by pressing again.
  • Clear all previously drawn lines by pressing C.
  • Press X to show the crosshair.
  • Press O to hide the instructional overlay.


show_player_boost draw_line clear_line show_crosshair set_camera_side {side} where side is "orange" or "blue" hide_hud

Example Bakkes Console Command bind B show_player_boost sets the "B" key to execute the show_player_boost command


Replay Review is currently in beta (0.2.0). The source is available on github -