BakkesMod Plugin providing relative position data about other players in a Rocket League game for the RocketLink Client.
The code for this plugin is heavily inspired by SOS / Simple Overlay System made by some other great people. Check their repo out for more info.
This plugin runs a WebSocket server on port 49124 (configurable through the cvar "RLINK_Port") emitting relative player positions when in a local server.
"distance": 1000,
"name": "PLAYERNAME",
"team": 1,
"__comment__": "This is the relative XYZ position of the other player to your own camera",
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"self_id":"YOUR OWN PLAYERID",
"self_name":"YOUR OWN PLAYER NAME",
"self_team": 1