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Author: esnar
First Uploaded: 04/24/2021
Last Updated: 01/20/2024
 Views: 52033
 Downloads: 39478
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Automatically Skip Replays.


This plugin automatically skips the replay for you(simulates skip replay key press).

Bind command toggleskipreplay through the SkipReplay plugin settings menu. The toggleskipreplay keybind can be used to disable and enable auto-skipping for that rare occasion that you don't want to skip the replay!

An option is available in the plugin settings menu to re-enable auto skipping after a match ends for when you forget to re-enable auto skipping.



  • Add option to avoid skipping when teammate is disconnected
  • Fix crash by loading logo on game thread


  • Move settings menu to imgui (implement PluginSettingsWindow)
  • "Press any key" button/searchable combobox options to set toggleskipmenu keybind


  • Added option to re-enable auto skipping after match end
  • Added custom toast logo
  • Simulate skip replay key press when toggling toggleskipreplay on


  • Added keybind option in the plugin settings menu


  • Changed EventHook to one that also triggers on offline matches