Player Switch

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Author: xXxProKill
First Uploaded: 09/26/2021
Last Updated: 10/05/2021
 Views: 7976
 Downloads: 2234
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PlayerSwitch is a Rocket League Plugin which switches the location of 2 players after x seconds.



PlayerSwitch is a Rocket League Plugin which switches the location of 2 players after x seconds.



  • The first thing you need is to install Bakkesmod
  • To play a custom game with others you need the Rocket Plugin

Installing the Plugin

You can download the Plugin from the official Bakkesmod-Plugin Website here


Configuration difference

Type Description
Static time A switch with static time means every switch happens after the exact configured time in seconds
Dynamic time A dynamic time switch signifies a switch between the 2 specified values. The switch happens after a random number between min and max

Configuration settings

Default settings

Setting Description
Enable Enables the plugin
Enable for static Enables the plugin for static times
Static time in seconds The static time after which the switch happens
Enable for dynamic time Enables the plugin for dynamic times
Dynamic time (min-max) in seconds A minimum and maximum value between which the switch randomly happens

Other settings

Setting Description
Enable velocity switching Switches the speed of the players (recommended)
Enable car rotation switching Switches the rotation of the players (recommended)
Enable boost switching Switches the boost of the players

Example of my recommended settings (dynamic)



If you have any questions feel free to hop onto the Bakkesmod Programming Discord Server

Alternatively you can contact me directly through discord using my tag: Oliver#1504