Time Tracker Plugin

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Author: Blaku
First Uploaded: 03/03/2022
Last Updated: 04/25/2022
 Views: 4742
 Downloads: 1813
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A plugin that tracks how much time you've spent in each map



This plugin is made to track how much time you spend in each map. This is cool information to have especially for seeing how much time you've spent in different custom maps. You can sort the table by map name or time played and reverse each of the sorting methods.

How It Works

The timer starts when you join a map and ends either when you leave the map or the podium at the end of the game is shown. Maps are identified by their package names, which aren't always the most accurate for what we commonly call them. I've provided map names for the included maps in the game such as Beckwith Park and whatnot. You can overwrite all the names for maps by double clicking on it in the timer table. This will display a popup where you can edit the name to whatever you like.