What does this plugin do?
Never be AFK at kickoffs again!
This plugin will change the window focus back to rocket league on certain events.
If you like to do something else on your PC while queuing for matches, then this is for you!
It will kick you back into Rocket League, so you don't miss your kickoffs.
How to use
- Install the plugin on this page
- In Rocket League press F2
- Go to Plugins -> Window Focus
- Enable plugin and change the settings to meet your preferences
Activate sound
- the sound of Rocket League gets enabled, so you hear countdownsSet Window-Focus
- your window focus will be set back to Rocket Leagueon kickoff countdown
- Activate sound/Set Window-Focus at the start of a kickoffon joining countdown
- Activate sound/Set Window-Focus at the joining countdownon game start
- Activate sound/Set Window-Focus when a game starts
If you find bugs, have suggestions for improvement or want a new event to be added, contact me on discord: lchmagKekse#0475