
BakkesMod has dropped support for 32bit plugins. This plugin has not yet been updated to 64bit. Until the plugin has been recompiled by the author, downloads are unavailable
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Author: mega
First Uploaded: 08/23/2019
Last Updated: 11/21/2019
 Views: 26751
 Downloads: 2302
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Open Source plugin: Tracks and displays wins/losses/streak/mmr for a Rocket League session. Options for both in-game screen display, and OBS integration, as well as keeping separate statistics for each game mode.



Wins, losses, streak, and mmr change are tracked for the current session, with separate stats for each game mode. These statistics can then be displayed either in-game, or written to text files for use in an OBS overlay as text sources (ask on Bakkesmod discord for more details if needed).


Access the plugin settings via Bakkesmod settings GUI (default F2->"Plugins" Tab->SessionStats)

"Reset" button will reset stats across all modes to zero.

Default destination for OBS text source output is: "bakkesmod/data" (note forward slashes are always used when designating a path), which saves the files to: Steam\steamapps\common\rocketleague\Binaries\Win32\bakkesmod\data


  • as noted above, forward slashes (e.g. the '/' character) must be used for paths. Backslashes can cause trouble with config file saving.
  • changes to a new mode are not detected until opening kickoff (can cause confusion when joining a casual game in progress)
  • first placement match in any mode registers as a win, since MMR delta is always positive