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Author: moviemakerhd
First Uploaded: 03/24/2024
Last Updated: 04/07/2024
 Views: 4804
 Downloads: 1336
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Camera with different modes that can be used for cinematics


Using @CinderBlockCB's CameraControl Template

Available Animation Modes

Mode Description
Orbit Mode Orbiting Camera around the field center
Freecam Mode Move the camera anywhere
Window Mode Camera Rotation and location dependent on car
Trackcam Mode Camera tracks the players position
Switch Mode Switch between different modes (Orbit, Window, Track)

Known issues

  • Pitch rotation in window mode is broken (TODO)

Planned features

  • Fully functioning freecam with rotation
  • Customisation of the switch mode (interval, modes included)
  • Custom modes


Orbit Mode Track Mode
Orbit Cam TrackCam
Window Mode
Window Cam

Note: You can disable the hud elements by typing in the F6 Console: cl_rendering_scaleform_disabled 1