First Touch Trainer

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Author: AkumaRL
First Uploaded: 10/16/2024
Last Updated: 11/29/2024
 Views: 14399
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A simple plugin to help learn first touches


Video showing plugin!

This build has some features on by default, didn't mean to push it with those values set. Fixed it and uploaded new build, should hopefully be accepted within a week. Priority feature I plan on implementing next is saving your configuration so you don't have to change it every time the plugin is loaded!

If you find any bugs, or would like to help me refine the first touch speed zones, please add me on discord _akumarl or report the bug on the github! Thanks!

First Touch Training Plugin

This plugin shows you the speed differential of your car and the ball!

If you're seeing a (+)Positive number, that means your car is traveling faster than the ball.

If you're seeing a (-)Negative number, that means the ball is traveling faster than your car.

There are also three speed zones

  • Good - When your speed is in this zone, speed will display Green
  • Alright - When your speed is in this zone, speed will display Yellow
  • Bad - When your speed is in this zone, speed will display Red

Features Implemented:

Speed Differential:

  • KPH & MPH - Just uses whatever you're using in game
  • Green Zone - Good Speed
  • Yellow Zone - Alright Speed
  • Red Zone - Bad Speed
  • Customizable Colors for the Zones
  • Text Position Adjustment
  • Text Size Adjustment
  • Text Drop Shadows On/Off

Session Timer:

  • Timer that informs you how long you've been in the given training session
  • Position Adjustment
  • Size Adjustment
  • Customizable Color

Touch Zone:

  • A static circle on the bottom of the ball that indicates where to touch it to keep the ball going up (like on the Air Dribble Gauntlet workshop map)
  • Can be enabled/disabled
  • Customizable color
  • Checkbox to match the color to the speed zones - this way it changes colors when you're within the given speed zones as well.

Features Planned:

Save Configuration:

  • Working on implementing a way to save user set configuration so that you don't need to change the settings on plugin load

Advanced Touch Zone Features:

  • I plan to make a mode that causes the touch zone to rotate counter to the balls velocity, at an optimal angle given its velocity, to keep an air dribble going without losing height.
  • I then plan to make a mode that rotates in the direction of the momentum, showing you the optimal spot to counter its momentum and keep climbing the ball vertically
  • I would then like to add a training feature where you have a specific spot on the net you're aiming to air dribble to. Top corners, bottom corners, center net. I then want the touch zone to rotate to the optimal position showing you where you need to be touching the ball to drag it to the targeted spot on net


  • Log to chat speed differential when making contact with ball
  • Have log match zone color settings
Logging on Flip Reset:
  • Log to chat speed differential when getting a flip reset
  • Log to chat speed differential on each flip reset
  • Have these logs match zone color settings

Known Bugs:

None yet! But please, report it to me if you do find any!