BakkesMod Graphs

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Author: CinderBlock
First Uploaded: 10/12/2019
Last Updated: 12/20/2020
 Views: 5803
 Downloads: 1806
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Quick data visualization for plugin developers


This plugin is maintained by the BakkesMod team.

This plugin takes away the headache of manually building graphs within BakkesMod. With this plugin and its source code, it is now very easy to display live data on screen. There are examples provided in the GraphingPluginExamples project in the BMGraphs github repository. You can get to this repository by clicking the View Plugin Homepage button.

Included with the download is the source code for the graphs. You can find these files in /bakkesmod/data/BMGraphs/. You will need to include these 3 files in a plugin:

  • BMGraphs.h
  • BMGraphs.cpp
  • BMGraphsMacrosStructsEnums.h

The BMGraphs class should be stored as a shared_ptr member variable in your plugin class, and should be constructed in the onLoad function.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the programming channel within the BakkesMod Discord server.