KBM Overlay

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Author: AkumaRL
First Uploaded: 01/18/2025
Last Updated: 01/22/2025
 Views: 9078
 Downloads: 2132
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A new and improved KBM Overlay for Rocket League!


Video showing plugin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-8dgRRakbs

I decided to make this plugin because I play Keyboard only and that isn't so typical! But fret not, this is for Keyboard players, and KBM Players alike!

If you find any bugs, please add me on discord _akumarl or report the bug on the github! Thanks!

KBM Overlay Plugin!

Just so you know, when the plugin loads it also loads in an image, the process of loading that image takes some time. Your game will freeze, but that is expected. Also, if you change your binds and want the overlay to update you have to either reload the plugin, or restart your game

Features Implemented:

Small Update! Just added a selection menu to swap between QWERTY, QWERTZ and AZERTY Keyboard layouts! Couldn't manage to get it to auto update dynamically. So, if you switch to a different layout, swap the profile from Minimal to Full Keyboard, or vise versa and this will force it to update the layout. Then you can can use whatever profile you prefer with your correct keyboard layout!

Bind Export/Load:

When Bakkesmod is injected and the plugin is loaded, the plugin exports a file to AppData\Roaming\bakkesmod\bakkesmod\data\KBMOverlay\kbmbinds.cfg with this file, we parse the actions, and keys assigned to said actions and auto configure your keyboard overlay!

Settings config:

In the same directory we create a config called settings.cfg that saves your customization's from the menu for the plugin and loads the settings when the plugin is loaded next!

Action Titles:

When this is enabled, it will place what I am calling "Action Titles" to the keys the action is associated to! That way people don't have to ask you what is bound to what anymore!

Two Layouts:

Currently have a "Minimal" layout that shows a small subsection of keys, or "Full Keyboard". Which is exactly what it sounds like, the full keyboard displayed. Mouse included, if you use mouse!


Yes, that is right. There are 12 different colors to choose from!

Adjustable Sizes:

You can adjust the size of the keyboard, or mouse, or both together.

Features Planned:

"Actions" Layout

  • I would like to add a layout that only draws the keys associated with an action that is bound, similar to the full keyboard. But, only the keys that have actions. I would then like to allow users to be able to lay out the individual keys however they'd like. But, this feature has been difficult to try to get anywhere near working.

"Reload Binds" Button

  • This would be ideal, to have a button to reload the binds after you've changed them and then reinitialize the overlay. But every implementation I have tried thus far causes the game to crash.

Drag able layout/keys

  • I would love to be able to allow the users to drag the overlay to where they want on screen, and, if I ever get the "Actions" layout working, allowing the user to drag the individual keys to make the layout they prefer would be ideal. But I have no idea if that would be possible.

Known Bugs:

None yet! But please, report it to me if you do find any!